Emotional Support Animal Laws for Rentals: What You Need to Know


Understanding emotional support animal (ESA) laws can be tricky. Do they qualify as pets or service animals? The answer is somewhere in between. There are certain ESA laws that grant legal protections for these animals and their owners, but not as many as service animals enjoy.

Conversations about emotional support animals can be challenging for both tenants and landlords, so it’s important to understand Fair Housing Laws and have patience when negotiating. Below is a complete guide to everything you need to know about ESA laws as a landlord.

What Is an Emotional Support Animal?

Emotional support animals are companions that help treat depression, anxiety, and a number of related mental health challenges.

Emotional Support Animal vs. Service Animal: What’s the Difference?

The key difference between an ESA and a service animal is that ESAs are not specifically trained to do a job that their owner can’t perform on their own; ESAs provide companionship and emotional care. Additionally, ESAs:

In contrast, service animals are seen legally as medical equipment. They are:

Did You Know?:

As long as an ESA can be reasonably accommodated within a home and doesn’t cause a disturbance to others, they can be any type of common household animal. That said, humans have been known to bond with a wide variety of creatures, and some of the more unique emotional support animals to date include llamas, alligators, and peacocks! Watch our free ESA Webinar to learn more.

Legal Protections for Emotional Support Animals and Service Animals

ESA laws provide fewer legal protections than service animals enjoy. However, ESAs are classified differently than regular pets and are given certain legal privileges under the Fair Housing Act. Let’s break down how the Fair Housing Act and the American Disabilities Act protect the medical animals that might be moving into your rental.

Fair housing act emotional support animals

The Fair Housing Act

Under the Fair Housing Act, landlords may not turn away tenants who have an emotional support animal. Even if the apartment is under a “no pets” policy, landlords are still required to make reasonable accommodations for the emotional support animal.

Pro Tip:

Learn more about the Fair Housing Act to avoid catching a discrimination charge in this Fair Housing for Landlords course.

The Americans with Disabilities Act

The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) protects disabled persons from discrimination in all areas of their lives. The ADA only provides protections for service animals that provide essential care for disabled humans, therefore emotional support animals are not protected by ADA regulations.

When renting with a disability, a service animal is just one part of the conversation. There are additional factors to consider, like what qualifies as a disability.

Applying to Rent With an Emotional Support Animal

If a tenant applies to live in a no-pets rental with an ESA, they must be able to show proof that they own a medically prescribed emotional support animal by providing an ESA housing letter.

Emotional Support Animal Housing Letter Checklist

emotional support animal checklist

An ESA housing letter is a signed statement from the tenant’s mental health practitioner proving that the animal companion is essential to their wellbeing and recovery. The letter can be signed by a doctor, PA, psychologist, social worker, peer support group, non-medical service agency, or a reliable third party that would be aware of the condition and can attest to the needs of the individual. Some landlords may also have their own paperwork that will need to be filled out by the tenant and their mental health practitioner.

There are specific ESA letter requirements that must be met in the documentation provided by the tenant, including:

Tenant Protections Under the FHA

Under the FHA, tenants and their emotional support animals are protected from the following:

  1. Landlords cannot require the emotional support animal to undergo any specific training.
  2. Landlords cannot refuse housing to the tenant even if their property insurance doesn’t cover emotional support animals.
  3. Landlords cannot ask tenants to pay any extra rent or deposits for having the emotional support animal, though it should be noted that they can require payment for any damage done by the animal.

What If the Landlord Doesn’t Comply With an ESA Housing Letter?

Renting to a tenant with an emotional support animal, especially in a no-pets unit, can be a trying experience for both parties. It’s important to communicate respectfully and make sure you have all the necessary background information as detailed in the ESA housing letter. If the tenant has talked to the landlord about their protections under the FHA and the landlord continues to refuse them housing:

This is an undesirable outcome for all involved, so it’s always best to try to reach an agreement before escalating the situation.

Can Landlords Deny ESAs?

Landlords are only required to make reasonable accommodations to emotional support animals. There are a number of circumstances in which a landlord may reasonably deny an emotional support animal.


When Can a Landlord Legally Reject an ESA?