Preparing for Placement Tests

It is very important that you study for your placement test. We recommend spending at least two hours reviewing each test area – English and math. By obtaining a better score, you will have more class options and can get a head start towards achieving your academic goals.

RISE English Test

There are two RISE English placement tests. Students must earn a 70% on each test to advance to the next. That is, if students earn a 70% or higher on Test 1, then they can take Test 2. If students do not earn a 70% or higher on Test 1, then they cannot take Test 2.

Student performance on each RISE English test corresponds with the RISE tiers that are used for placement into college-level courses with or without corequisite support and into the ENG 002 Transition English course.

Students may take the RISE English placement test a maximum of two times.

RISE Placement Test and Scores English Placement
Tier 2/Test 2 - 70% or higher ENG 111
Tier 1/Test 1 - 70% or higher ENG 111 and ENG 011
Tier 1/Test 1 - Less than 70% ENG 002

What's on the RISE English Tests

Tier 1/Test 1

Tier 2/Test 2

RISE Math Test

There are three RISE math placement tests. Students must earn a 70% on each test to advance to the next. That is, if students earn a 70% or higher on Test 1, then they can take Test 2. If students do not earn a 70% or higher on Test 2, then they cannot take Test 3.

Student performance on each RISE math test corresponds with the RISE tiers that are used for placement into college-level courses with or without corequisite support and into the MAT 003 Transition Math course.

Students may take the RISE math placement test a maximum of two times.

RISE Placement Test and Scores Math Placement
Tier 3/Test 3 - 70% or higher MAT 121
MAT 171
Tier 2/Test 2 - 70% or higher MAT 121 and MAT 021
MAT 143
MAT 152
MAT 171 and MAT 071
Tier 1/Test 1 - 70% or higher MAT 110
MAT 143 and MAT 043
MAT 152 and MAT 052
Tier 1/Test 1 - Less than 70% MAT 003

What's on the RISE Math Tests

Tier 1/Test 1

Tier 2/Test 2

Tier 3/Test 3

Rise Practice Tests

Consider exploring the following websites to prepare for the placement test:

English Resources

Math Resources